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Product Description

Prerequisite ndash; Valid Ohio Concealed Handgun License

Learn from Vance Outdoorsrsquo; in-house, professional instructors with decades of law enforcement experience, tactical firearms training experience and actual concealed carry experience. Build on your basic concealed carry skills in this 8-hour Advanced Level class.

Trigger management will be a high priority in this class. Correct, quality trigger management is the foundation to all advanced shooting skills. There will be some time spent in this class explaining all of the viable concealment type holsters, discussing the pros cons of each type. You will learn how to properly draw your handgun from concealment, get on target quickly, and how to re-holster safely and efficiently. You will also spend time on reloading and malfunction drills, shooting on the move, multiple target engagement, proper use of cover and concealment, and if time allows a stage on low light operations. You will leave this class with a true feeling of accomplishment and that you may be truly on your way to becoming the skilled and affective concealed carry individual.

Hopefully this class will be your first in the multi-level defensive handgun series offered at Vance Outdoors. A reliable defensive/concealed carry pistol, at least one spare magazine or speed loader/speed strip (two or more are better), a strong side hip holster, spare magazine carrier, sturdy belt and concealment garment are necessary. If you do not have a holster or magazine carrier, as applicable, please do not go out and purchase one. Vance Outdoors will have loaner gear to get you through the class, and then you will be able to make a much better decision on which holster and mag carrier is best for you. Round Count is approximately 300.

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